Friday, October 31, 2008

Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution - Induction

Here is a post from the Livin La Vida Low Carb Message Board that has the guidelines for starting the Atkins diet. I'm sure that many of you have preconceptions that the Atkins diet is unhealthy, and you may have even come across some propaganda that Dr. Atkins was obese when he slipped and fell, ultimately causing his death. It is just that, propaganda.

Can you imagine how much money the pharmaceutical, healthcare, and diet industries would stand to lose if people ate in such a way that they didn't suffer from heart disease, diabetes, didn't get prescribed cholesterol lowering medication, and didn't need to join a gym and workout or buy diet products?

And many figures of authority truly think they are doing the right thing in demonizing the Atkins diet, because their exclusive belief is that dietary fat causes heart disease, so even tolerating the Atkins diet would constitute willfull genocide to them. Plus they don't want to be proven wrong. How foolish would that make them look?

Here is a video where Jimmy talks about the early stages of Atkins induction.

No, the first 2 weeks aren't fun, and this is primarily what most comparison studies base their judgment of low carb lifestyle on. You will be weening your body off of glucose (sugar) - which your body was using for energy - and training your body to burn fat instead (you know, that fat tire you've got around your waistline, wouldn't it be nice to go away?) So it takes a little time, and you will have some headaches and low energy while you go through the induction "flu," but it is worth it, and you shouldn't feel that way after your body is adapted (roughly 2 weeks).

As always, this is not medical advice. Don't sue me. Do this under your doctor's supervision. Read the book to make certain you are eating the way that Dr. Atkins prescribed to his patients. I am simply sharing my story with you.

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