Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cheerios are terrible for your health

This is a link to a blog that was written by an editor of Men's Health Magazine. He stopped contributing to it back in February of 2008, but there is still plenty of good information here.

Adam Campbell is also the co-author of the TNT Diet (Dr. Jeff Volek is the other co-author). I will blog about this book at a later time, but it is essentially a manual for low carbing in conjunction with moderate exercise. This is an excellent read, and very straightforward if you are looking for a barebones approach that doesn't count calories.

One of the biggest paradigm shifts I've had in the last year is that cereal is bad for your health. Yes, even the Heart Smart, Whole Grain, Lower you cholesterol, blah blah blah cereal. It's all bad. We have been lied to by ALL of these companies marketing campaigns, and the biggest offender, in my opinion, is Cheerios.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. This described my eating for YEARS, and while it may not have made me insane, I was a shadow of the person that I could have been (figuratively, because truth be told, I was a pretty big shadow). I used to start my morning EVERYDAY with Total cereal and skim milk, because everyone knows they need vitamins, it is better to get those nutrients from food, and Total contains 100% + of your recommended daily vitamin intake. That's what their commercials told me, so it has to be true. And while I agree that nutrients are better absorbed from food, you should not discount the impact of that food on your blood sugar and health.

I will come back in more detail later, but its time to head off to work, so this will have to suffice for now.

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